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Next collection day are: October 18thDonate in cash, check (payable to HVMS) and online


Our jog-a-thon is the largest fundraiser of the year with 100% of the funds going directly to funding important student tools and resources.

Thanks to the overwhelming support in past years, HVMS has been able to support:

  • New Strength Training equipment.
  • New Projector for the Nest - for Assemblies and other activities. 
  • Popcorn machine for events and incentive prizes.
  • Sounds system for student events.
  • Student events and After School Programs.
  • Updated software for our Heron TV classes.
  • 3D printers for the Engineer It classes.
  • New equipment for P.E. and Strength Training classes.
  • Installation of four water filling stations.

How it works:

Collection Day prizes:

  • Receive 1 raffle ticket for every $5 collected.
  • Receive 1 lanyard and 1 button if you bring in $35.  The more money you bring, the more buttons you'll get!  Collect them all!
  • Receive a treat during lunches on certain days.
  • Check out our calendar of events and collection days HERE.

Book Reports:

  • Read and turn in book reports to the Library - earn 5 raffle tickets.
  • Turn in up to 4 book reports to receive 1 lanyard and buttons.
  • Book report forms - available soon.


  • Student earn 1 raffle ticket for each lap they run, jog, or walk.

Raffle Drawing:

  • After each collection day, raffle boxes will be put out during lunches. Each box represent one PRIZE BASKET full of fantastic prizes from local vendors.
  • Students must write their first and last name on each ticket, separate them, and put them in the box of their choice.


Fundraising History:

Spring 2023:  $10,020

Fall 2023: $19,710

Fall 2024: